Friday, April 8, 2011

It's Because of YOU!

We do this for you...our customer, our support, our friend.  We haul in our big trucks and trailers stacked high to fill spaces up just to see your reaction!  We LOVE it, we live for it!  from the treasure hunting, to the planning, the painting, the sanding, the decorating and the setup...we do it because of you!

While setting up today I took a moment to stand back and imagine all of you tomorrow, the excitement for the lost item you have been searching for, the boots that fit "just right", or the friend you have not seen since labor day!  I imagined all your trucks and cars pulling up empty and leaving filled over the sides with things to make your home unique!  I truly mean it when I say how this is what makes it worth every heavy load up the steps and every hour into the night worth it...because of you.  Thank you for supporting Funky Junk...
SEE YOU IN THE MORNING!!!  Love, Jennifer


Two Women Vintage Goods said... Best Blogger Tips

What a sweet post. Your show is not only special for your customers, but also for your vendors. Thanks for treating us the way you do. We love the Funky Junk family! See you tomorrow.
Fielding and Dianna
Two Women Art & Antiques