I am giving away soap!!!!!
From my farm to your sink. |
A hard days work |
Soap Balls, invented last year as a way to save ends of logs. Already a favorite! |
Farm fresh! |
Here is my humble little playhouse. |
As Many of you know, besides Co-hosting Funky Junk and running a Berry Farm, My life is all about soap! You can read The story behind the Soap Co. at
http://www.yesterdaysconnection.com/ I love what I do, it is therapeutic in many ways (mostly because I use only pure essential oils). Every time I go to work (In my mom's old Playhouse-converted soap shop) I turn on my Celtic music and mix "potions" with all my customers in mind as I work. I really do imagine the people who will need my product. The kids with eczema, the elderly with severe dry skin, the teenager with acne, the sunburned Athlete...the list goes on and on. I love hearing your stories too. We have many that we get in person, by mail, and third person. The stories range from skin clearing up to stain removals on treasured items to skunk smell coming out of the dog! I love hearing them all, even if it just that you like the bar!
When I see you at Farmers' market or at a show I love hearing you say "I need more!", not because I am selling it, but because I have made a product that really does help and really does work. So as my Thank you to you, I am giving away $20.00 worth of soap! Just become a follower on my blog and leave a comment, if you already are a follower then leave a comment on my blog. For a second chance to win mention this giveaway on facebook and I will enter you twice. And for a third chance to win become a fan of Funky Junk on Facebook, mention this and I will enter you a third time! If you win you can choose your soap from the website or in person at The Funky Junk show.
I will honor our show price of 3 bars for $10.00 so you will be getting 6 bars of soap! Contest closes on Thursday 3/31 at 6pm! Good Luck!
Love, Jennifer
I LOVE YOUR SOAP!!! I'm already a follower of your Blog and Definitely a follower of the Original FJ Girls...who I adore! So looking forward to seeing you soon!
fabulous Giveaway. I love your little shed/studio.
Hi Sweet Jennifer! We thought we were followers, but now we are for sure! We love your soap and love you two Funky Junk Girls too!
See you soon.
XO Glad & Celia
What a generous offer!Even if I do not win I would love to have some of the soap for eczema for my young grandson who suffers with it terribly!
Hi Jen!!
Love your healing soap! I use it everyday.I have suffered skin issues for years and this bar is wonderful! And it makes 330 in the morning a much better experience!
I love your mint and lavender soaps the best. They make my bathroom smell pretty :)
Soap! Did someone say Jennifer's soap?! I am all in... only the BEST! :)
Most of my gal pals know that I love, love, love pretty, awesome smelling soap. And, I love you! So what a super combo that is!
Homemade soap is a wonderful gift to give and receive. I adore your workshop.
Although I live in Southern Idaho, I am a huge fan of Funky Junk (Holly is my beloved cousins daughter). It was a treat to come to Sandpoint last fall for the show. My daughter has eczema and loves lavendar. Would love to have her try your soaps. Love your enthusiasm for what you do. Blessed to know of your activities through Holly's posts. God bless all of you wonderful girls and the joy you spread.
I would love some soap suggestions--my little 3 year old daughter River has eczema and I have not been able to use any soap but Aveeno...
I follow your blog--and Funky Junk on Facebook. We are so excited for the upcoming show!!
Stacey Sykes (Sisters Creed)
I was hoarding your soap that I was gifted years ago...then I used it...now I am sure it is amazing..You have lavender? My all time favorite smell...I have lavender outside my office door.. my Tax "shack"!
My love to you and your man and the BABY!
Auntie Karen
I'm so excited to try some of your soap! If I don't win I buy some too!!! But I really expect to win...lol :) I'm already a fan of Funky Junk on Facebook and when I'm done I'm going to follow your blog!! Can't wait to see you at Funk Junk show and smell your soap. Looking for gifts so this will be perfect!!!!!
Hey Jennifer! I can smell your soap now=)...I use one of the ball soaps every day...I have my favs...thanks for making Funky Junk smell not funky=)!!
And I can totally attest to the excema/allergen friendliness of the soaps, for my oldest!! We can use Aveeno and your soaps...Thanks for being nut, dairy and goat milk free!!!!
Love you and your soap,
Thanks for doing this giveaway! :) I've never heard of soap farms before, but I guess soap has to come from somewhere haha. Great concept! Love the soap balls, by the way - very creative.
I'm your newest follower on Google. If I win, my email is grig at gmx dot com
*crosses fingers*
Entry 2: shared this post on my facebook.
grig at gmx dot com
Entry 3: "liked" your page on facebook. By the way, you might want to post a big (BIG) link to your facebook profile somewhere on your site - I had to sift through about a dozen search results for "funky junk" on facebook before I found your page. :^/ (By the way, did you know that there's a band in Texas called Funky Junk? lol)
grig at gmx dot com
Can't believe I haven't tried you soap yet! Must get some next weekend!
Would love to win some of your soap and give you feedback after trying it on my skin condition! Love your playhouse/shop!
Love, love, love your soap. I was just telling Clint that we're out and need to re-stock...maybe I'll win! Already a follower of your fantastic blog and on FB. Even if I don't win, I'll be buying a bunch at the show!
P.S. I think it's hilarious how Summer sees your soap table and starts making sniffing sounds! That baby knows a good thing when she sees/smells it.
I am a follower! Love your site, love your stuff. Went to my first Funky Junk show up in Five Mile last year, had a blast!
mobriendesigns at gmail dot com
Thank you everyone for Following, We read all of these with smiles on our faces at my house! I will go put everyones' entry into the bucket!
Love, Jennifer
Congrats to Misty! You are the Winner of a load of soap!!! you can pick from the web or in person this weekend at the funky junk show! Love Jennifer
Where can I find your soap?
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