Monday, October 3, 2011

Office Cottage part 2: The sad news and the great news!

The Sad news: Well, the crew went down to Bayview on Thursday to move my mid-morning I received a phone call telling me that when they went to lift it, the entire bottom was rotted out from water damage.  It was not going to be able to move from the spot it sits.  So, there goes that. Luckily, The man I bought it from gave me a full refund.

The GREAT news! When the guys got back they said they are putting together a work party and in a couple weeks we will spend a weekend putting together a building that will be even better, and with a bit more room too!  The best part is that we can use recycled materials such as old barn wood and boards from the once loved buildings of this very farm that have fallen over the past hundred years.  I love giving new life to such cherished things.  I love that the next building will be put up with that kind of heart, so it will have a better story and a lot more love!  I will keep you posted.  Until then here is a view from the location for the new building...stay tuned.  Love Jennifer


Gayle said... Best Blogger Tips

I think this one will be even better !!! you will be able to add your own great touches!!
I can't wait until you start and show us the progress!! No sad news.....all good news!!!!

Michele said... Best Blogger Tips

I LOVE how all things work out for the best! :) I bet it's gonna have old vintage windows and such too! It's gonna be over the TOP! Can't wait to see it! XOXO