Summer is in full swing here on the farm! We have been spending as much time as possible in the yard and garden. While planning this years garden I enjoyed many trips to garden centers across the northwest. I love looking at plans for laying out my plants and flowers, seeing the various ways to grow things and all the products on the market to accomplish this! I found that most things were doable on my own, with items I can salvage from around the area, or I may have tucked away. For the most part I only had to buy new on just a couple things, the rest has been reclaimed and given new life. As you know I like to live a more "green" lifestyle, so where better to start than in the garden! Here is a tour for you. Enjoy!
This is an old head board I bought from my friend Carol, I was so Happy when Nathan said we had the hardware to hang it without having to contact a welder! To me it is a grand welcome to our home!

The result is some very happy peppers (this photo was taken when they were first planted, now they are pressing the top of the window!).
The inside of an old dryer, Dad had used this years ago for flowers and I decided it would be perfect for my tomatoes!
My favorite project was using this old wedding tulle for covering my cabbage plants and Kale. I have a problem with moths eating the plants every year and my friend Scott said he used old gossamer left over from a party, for row coverage successfully! So, with a ton of this tulle left from our wedding (11 years ago!) I decided to give it a new life and it works great!
Nathan calls this my "ghost garden", and the tulle is working great to keep the moths away!An old horse shoe and some old logging chain worked for a gate latch!
Using a found window like this adds some color to my garden when the sun shines through it!
My concrete bull, I will tell the story on this guy someday. For now all I will say is my sister Errin has his mate in her bee garden and they are wonderful to see!
Old logs left from a slash pile from one of Dad's logging jobs, they work great for fence posts at the corners. The rest are railroad t-posts from an old friend down the road that had no need for them anymore. Another fun re-cycled project is my peony garden, they are all from old homesteads in the area and saved from developments or homes that were being sold out of the families. I love that they can still be found here.The only real "new" purchase this year was 300 ft of 7' high deer fencing, I bought strong enough fencing to reuse this fall for a pig pen. Pigs work great for stirring up your garden and prepping the area for the next year!
These re-used fence posts were put into the berry patch 8 years ago and are still holding strong!
And with all the work done and everything planted I get to enjoy the best part of my garden...the view!
Thank you for visiting, enjoy your Summer!!! Love, Jennifer
Lots of great and inspiring ideas here...thanks!
I just absolutely LOVE every part of this magical & functioning garden!!! You are SoOoOoO talented my friend!!!
@Gayle Thank you Gayle!
Thanks Michele, I am so glad you got to see it in person!
Just found your blog. You have a beautiful garden and lots of creative ideas! New Follower.
What hardware did you use to hang the headboard to the fencepost? I am doing the same thing, but I can't make out in the picture what you used.
I'm also trying to figure it out. I have a headboard ready to install on my garden but not sure what hardware to use.
The poor bull is lonely. Please put him with the cow.
So creative, thanks to sharing!
Stumbled upon your gate idea using the old headboard and horseshoe latch. I've just purchased and learned to use a small welder. I think your ideas will be my first project. Love it... Thank you! Linda
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