5th grade is a tough time for a girl. especially in a small country school like the one I grew up in. In the spring of 5th grade all the class room was a buzz about a girls Saturday for moms and daughters called "Girl Talk". This was going to be a full day event filled with a tea luncheon, a fashion show and other events. Mostly discussing well, girl stuff.
At the time my father had just gone back to college and Mom was waiting tables at the Hoot Owl to make ends meet. Extra money was just not something you asked about. With this said I did not have high hopes when I brought the Girl talk pamphlet home and left it on the table.
That week at school was a long one, I listened to all the girls discussing what they were going to wear Saturday and how much fun it was going to be. Truth be told I was the only girl in the 5th grade who was not going.
I decided to put my focus elsewhere, to the fact that the same weekend was Mom's birthday. Grandma was going to help me make a cake and we would celebrate it at her house. Grandma had also given mom $25.00 to buy herself a nice blouse or new purse, something that she normally wouldn't buy herself.
Friday rolled around and as I was getting my things together to head out the door for school I saw in my back pack the registration pamphlet for "Girl Talk" with the payment attached. I was confused. The registration was $25.00 and that was a lot out of our family budget. As I climbed on the bus I realised that mom had used her Birthday money to pay for the event.
Needless to say I protested but Mom made it clear that this would indeed be a wonderful Birthday treat for herself. And so we went, dressed in our best Spring attire. I felt so special and Mom was glowing, And of course had a wonderful time!
This is my Mom, she gives of herself, she lives her life in technicolor. She is an Amazing artist, singer, cook, gardener. She carries the title Mom, Wife, Sister, Daughter, Aunt, Grandma, Master Composter, Soap maker and Friend 110%. She is Amazing to say the least, and 21 years later I hope she knows how much I appreciate her. And above all I Wish for her a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY! I Love you Mom!